10 Even More Best "I'm Dead And I Know It" Movie Moments

4. "We Die" - The Last Starfighter

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Cult classic 1984 sci-fi film The Last Starfighter touts one of the all-time finest and most dignified acceptances of a violently explosive death in movie history.

When the villainous Lord Kril (Dan Mason) realises that the mothership's guidance controls have been disabled by hero Alex Rogan (Lance Guest) and the ship is irreversibly locked into the gravitational pull of Rylos' moon, a fellow Kodan officer asks him what they're going to do.

In the most calm tone imaginable, a mournful Kril waits for his monocle to swing around to his eye before replying, "We die." Seconds later the ship crashes into the moon and explodes in a gigantic fireball.

It's a fitting death for a smart and competent villain, stoically accepting his fate rather than raging helplessly against the unavoidable tide of fate.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.