10 Even More Horror Movie Villains Who Were Completely Unprepared

9. Seth And Richie Gecko - From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Trick R Treat

After a bank robbery goes awry, the Gecko brothers, Seth and Richie, force themselves on the RV of the Fuller family, with the criminals ordering the Fullers to drive them all across the Mexican border so they can escape the authorities.

Throughout From Dusk 'Till Dawn, Seth proves to be immensely resourceful and adaptable. Even when he's on the run or clearing up his brother's mess, Seth seems one step ahead of everybody and believing he can walk out of any scenario, no matter how dire.

However, Seth and Richie change their tune when they enter a Mexican strip club with the Fullers as their hostages. 

When one of the customers harasses Seth, he shoots him, apparently ending the conflict. But as the club patrons begin sprouting fangs, the Geckos realise every person in the establishment is a vampire. 

Despite Seth's best efforts to take control of the situation, Richie is sucked dry by one of the vamps almost immediately. And even though Seth puts up one hell of a fight, he's unable to save most of the Fuller family.

Although Seth managed to walk about of the place alive, it was at a great sacrifice.

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