10 Even More Movie Roles Obviously Designed For Other Actors
1. Mr. Orange In Reservoir Dogs - James Woods

We'll end this list as we began it, with a word from out foot-loving friend Quentin.
For his first feature film, Tarantino gave us Reservoir Dogs, a story following eight criminals after a bank robbery gone wrong. The men all hide their true identities, instead addressing each other by "Mister" followed by a colour.
Steve Buscemi is Mr. Pink, Tarantino himself appears as Mr. Brown, and Tim Roth plays Mr. Orange. Although, that's not how it was meant to go down.
Tarantino envisioned that particular part going to James Woods, who had previously appeared in Videodrome and Once Upon a Time in America.
Woods would have been perfect, having starred in many a gritty crime drama beforehand. He missed his chance at Mr. Orange, although it was not his fault.
It turns out that Woods' agent received Tarantino's offer multiple times and simply didn't tell his client. Presumably they didn't want to take a risk on an unknown filmmaker with such a violent script.
When Woods found out about this, he fired his agent right then and there. All's well that ends well then... except for the agent.
Poor agent...