10 Even More Movie Scenes Shot For Real

5. The Joker's Hospital Explosion - The Dark Knight

Ong Bak
Warner Bros.

Back to the bloke who would rather legit crash a Boeing 747 into a building than achieve that visual through CGI, Christopher Nolan also once decided that he wanted to actually demolish a building when The Joker opted to blow up Gotham General Hospital in The Dark Knight.

This wasn't a case of the world class director simply wandering up to the nearest empty hospital and enquiring about whether he could strap some dynamite to the poor thing, though.

Instead, the team behind the Bat-flick eventually discovered they would be able to completely destroy the abandoned Brach's candy factory in Chicago.

So, Nolan and co. simply dressed the building up to look like Gotham General and proceeded to use this real demolition for Mr. J's iconic explosive moment.

With this chaos only going down once, too, this meant the entire sequence had to be captured in one magnificent take.

But the team were able to brilliantly do exactly that, managing to capture the fantastic shot of Heath Ledger's Joker taking a moment to check his detonator hadn't malfunction before genuinely razing an entire building behind him.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...