10 Even More Movie Villains You Didn't Realise Actually Won

5. Mayor Wade - Eight Legged Freaks

The Dark Knight The Joker Heath Ledger
Warner Bros.

Eight Legged Freaks' primary antagonists may be horse-sized mutant spiders, but there's also a card-carrying human villain in the mix - Mayor Wade (Leon Rippy).

Rippy is the man responsible for toxic waste being dumped in the town of Prosperity in the first place and causing the whole catastrophe, while showing little respect for the citizens his actions have endangered.

When the proverbial hits the fan, Mayor Rippy flees to the local mines and locks the door behind him, preventing any of the town's other citizens from joining him in safety.

With blood on his hands, it certainly seems like Rippy will meet a horrifying end at the hand of an oversized tarantula, but alas, it never happens. Instead, the worst fate he suffers is having his beloved mall blown up in order to kill the spiders.

While this capital blow might seem like firm punishment for Rippy and a categorical "L," he briefly mentions that he's going to file an insurance claim, and big business being the chummy enterprise it is in modern America, he almost certainly recouped all expenses.

More to the point, even if Rippy's mayoral ambitions likely went up in smoke in Prosperity, there was absolutely nothing stopping him from quietly slinking away and setting up shop in another rust-bucket town.

While he didn't come out of the situation with an entirely clean nose, it appears that Rippy totally evaded justice for causing so much death, especially as the town ultimately decided to cover the entire incident up.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.