10 Exact Horror Movie Moments You Knew Characters Were Screwed

6. Carter Drops An "N-Bomb" - The Final Destination

28 Weeks Later
Warner Bros Pictures

Though the majority of the characters in the Final Destination franchise are mere meat shields who exist solely to be destroyed in a myriad of creatively gnarly ways, the fourth movie's racist tow truck driver Carter Daniels (Justin Welborn) earned himself the primest-of-prime spots on Death's list.

Just minutes after the opening speedway accident, Carter drops an "N-bomb" while addressing fellow survivor George Lanter (Mykelti Williamson), in turn ensuring he wouldn't be making it to the end of the movie - or really anywhere near.

Hilariously, Death wastes no time at all giving the racist a suitably grisly demise, as in the film's very next scene his attempt to burn a cross on George's lawn is scuppered when he gets dragged off, set on fire, and exploded by his own runaway tow truck. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, clearly.

Even accepting the basement-low expectations audiences have for the survival prospects of Final Destination characters, Carter basically committed an act of cinematic suicide by outing himself as a weapons-grade a**hole.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.