10 Exact Moments Awesome Movie Directors Stopped Trying

8. From Oscar Nominee To Razzie Nominee - Roland Joffé

Yoga Hosers Kevin Smith

Perhaps no director on this list has worn their filmmaking apathy on their sleeve quite as blatantly as Roland Joffé, who became a household name in the 1980s after earning two Best Director Oscar nominations for his first two theatrical movies, The Killing Fields and The Killing, released just two years apart.

Depressingly, in the 34 years since Joffé hasn't released a single critically acclaimed film, though middle-brow, star-studded attempts like Fat Man and Little Boy, City of Joy, the critically-mauled The Scarlet Letter, and Vatel at least suggested he was indeed trying to deliver some quality cinema.

Joffé's career truly cratered in 2007, however, when he decided to direct Captivity, an Elisha Cuthbert-starring torture porn movie which suggested a filmmaker desperate to pay the bills rather than create great art.

For his efforts, Joffé received a Razzie nomination for Worst Director, and the worst reviews of his career up to that point.

Almost 15 years later, his career still hasn't recovered, and his 2015 action-adventure movie The Lovers actually received marginally worse reviews than Captivity. Oof.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.