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4. A Child Narrates A Movie About Strippers - Magic Mike's Last Dance

Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania MODOK
Warner Bros.

In the "inserting a kid into a movie where they don't belong" stakes, though, Magic Mike's Last Dance has Black Adam beat.

This is truly one of the most bizarre movie sequels of recent times, because rather than simply repeat its predecessors' entertaining formula, Steven Soderbergh tried to do something quite different.

The expected stripping is pushed to the back-burner for most of the story, which instead focuses on Mike (Channing Tatum) heading to London to help a wealthy socialite, Maxandra Mendoza (Salma Hayek), produce a stage play - one that eventually involves strippers.

Yet the first sign of trouble comes in the movie's opening scene, which features a young girl narrating about the origins of dance, a girl later revealed to be Max's daughter, Zadie (Jemelia George).

Zadie's narration returns a few times throughout the film and just feels woefully out of place here - you know, in an R-rated movie about strippers.

It was an early warning sign that Soderbergh was up to something fishy, and immediately got this hugely disappointing sequel off to a rough start.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.