10 Exact Moments Recent Movies Lost Us

1. The Nonsensical Credits Scenes - Morbius

Ghostbusters Afterlife

It isn't remotely controversial to say that Morbius is a bad, bad movie - an agonisingly retro piece of work that was clearly chopped to pieces by Sony during post-production in an attempt to ride Spider-Man: No Way Home's coattails all the way to the bank.

At least it's short, with the end credits rolling at roughly the 90-minute mark, such that it's tough to get all that worked up about how utterly pedestrian and forgettable it all is.

But then those credits scenes happened.

The mid-credits scene shows the MCU's Adrian Toomes aka Vulture (Michael Keaton) being flung into the world of Sony's Spider-Man Universe, appearing through the same multiversal rift we saw in No Way Home.

This immediately raises a number of inconsistencies with established facts. For one, why would Toomes end up in this universe at all? Why doesn't he seem to care about his family back in his universe? And why are we told that there's no record of Adrian Toomes in this universe? Are variants not a thing here?

Things get even stranger in the post-credits scene, where Toomes, now inexplicably wearing full Vulture regalia, meets up with Morbius (Jared Leto) and invites him to join his team, implied to be the Sinister Six.

For one, how did Toomes manage to build a Vulture suit without the Tinkerer and in a universe where the Battle of New York never happened? And why would Morbius, who the last time we saw him was acting with distinct heroism, be even remotely interested in what Toomes has to say?

Even director Daniel Espionsa has struggled to explain how the credits scenes make sense, indicating that Sony hacked the film up in post-production and even reshooting new credits scenes in a desperate effort to capitalise on No Way Home's phenomenal success.

It's at this point that Morbius went from being a bad but relatively harmless movie to a generally cynical, loathe-worthy piece of garbage.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.