10 Exact Moments Recent Movies Won Us Over

2. Bowser Sings "Peaches" - The Super Mario Bros. Movie

The Super Mario Bros Movie Bowser

The Super Mario Bros. Movie may be tearing up the box office, but for much of its runtime it's a relatively by-the-numbers - albeit colourful - animated offering.

The moment at which it finds true inspiration, though? Having Bowser (a brilliant Jack Black) sing a lovesick ballad for the object of his affection, Princess Peach (Anya Taylor-Joy).

The song, "Peaches," was co-written by Black himself and is a glorious parody of sappy love ditties, with Bowser soulfully belting out a lyrical declaration of love for Peach while jamming away on his piano.

Black somehow makes the repeated, unrelenting utterance of "Peaches" make sense, and it's at this moment that The Super Mario Bros. Movie truly comes alive, proving that it's not an entirely soulless, corporate product.

The song ultimately proved popular enough to chart in the U.S. and many countries internationally, and some are even calling for it to receive a Best Original Song nomination at next year's Oscars. Given the film's phenomenal popularity and success, anything could happen.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.