10 Exact Moments That Changed The Horror Movie Genre Forever

8. The Thing - Rob Bottin Changes The Game

Drew Barrymore Scream
Universal Pictures

Having already worked with John Carpenter on The Fog, Rob Bottin joining Carpenter’s 1982 The Thing was a game-changer for the horror world.

With Bottin at one point overseeing a crew of 35 people, he and his team produced the sort of special effects work that was revolutionary and like nothing audiences had seen up until that point.

It was actually Bottin’s idea to have the alien Thing take on the appearance of any creature that the entity assimilated. An idea with John Carpenter initially thought was ridiculous. Fortunately for the horror genre, Bottin was allowed to work his magic and delivered some of the most breath-taking practical, mechanical effects produced in the genre up until that point in time.

Even now, the SFX of The Thing stand up and never fail to send a shiver down the spine. After all, who doesn’t great freaked the f**k out at the sight on a tentacled dog creature or at seeing someone’s chest biting off their pal’s hands?!

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Senior Writer

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