10 Exact Moments That Made Fans Hate Movie Franchises
2. Midi-Chlorians - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
For Star Wars fans who grew up with the original trilogy, the prequels were the cinematic event of a lifetime. People lined the streets for weeks in order to be among the first to witness The Phantom Menace, but to say it was a disappointment is a gross, gross understatement.
The movie had a myriad of problems - too many boring dialogue sequences, bad acting, Jar-Jar - but perhaps its biggest crime was the addition of midi-chlorians to Star Wars lore, an inclusion that literally affected the entire Star Wars universe and one that fans still cannot get behind to this day.
Midway through the movie there's a short scene in which Qui-Gon explains midi-chlorians to a young Anakin, informing him that they live within everyone's cells and that they're vital to a Jedi's understanding of the Force. Fans hated how this scientific explanation removed some of the magic and mysticism from the Force, a change that not only impacted present and future Star Wars movies, but the older ones they'd loved for years, too.
Suddenly, the whole idea of Luke being "chosen" by the Force - and it being his destiny to become a Jedi - became "hey, luckily you've got a high midi-chlorian count, go get the bad guys!" Suffice to say, many viewers didn't appreciate such a needless, universe-altering change, and the backlash against midi-chlorians likely contributed to the sequel trilogy's decision to completely ignore them.