10 Excruciating Films That Ruined Your Image Of Batman Actors

2. Batman Gets An STD - Sex Hygiene

Batman Std Full marks if you know that the second screen Batman - Robert Lowery - starred in a short film in 1942 designed to stop randy WWII soldiers becoming incapacitated with sexy diseases. If you've seen it, you're either a sexually promiscuous 90 year old with a very good memory, or you watch some strange things on the internet. Either way, we salute you. This all happened before Lowery pulled on the cape and cowl, but it doesn't add a somewhat grubby foot-note to his time as Batman - which was short but comparatively sweet in 1949's Batman And Robin - especially considering how hard it is not to accidentally mesh the two films together in your mind and having Batman and Robin fight off hordes of penis germs. The Low Point The fact that both Batman (Robert Lowery) and a future Superman (George Reeves) - who appeared together in the 1950s Adventures Of Superman TV show - played potentially prostitute-frequenting, STD-riddled servicemen kind of spoils the magic of the superhero. Not to mention, it's impossible to shake off the juxtaposition of the film's quaint soundtrack with the frank and clinical shots of male genitalia. Particularly when you're just about to drift off to sleep.
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