10 Excruciating Films That Ruined Your Image Of Batman Actors

6. Adam West Stomps On His Bat-Legacy - Super Capers

West Adam West has built a career since his time as Batman on acknolwedging his cult appeal, and mostly self-consciously riffing on the perceived image built on the back of that iconic, but ultimately disastrous show. Just a few years ago, West lined up alongside a number of completely unheard "actors" to pay homage to the Golden Era of superhero TV shows in the 1960s and '70s. It begins campy and affectionately, but then it quickly descends into something markedly worse than even the lowest points of Superhero Movie, which is a grimly impressive feat. Playing the "hilariously" named Man Bat in what amounts to a cameo, West proves himself all too happy to openly spoof himself, but the script is adolescent and amateurish, and quite what West gained from destroying the genre that made him iconic through God-awful spoofery remains to be seen. It is the worst superhero movie of all time, and if you're wondering whether that assessment is over-cruel, consider the following three word... "Featuring Tom Sizemore." Let's just hope West was paid enough to justify legitimising the Batman spoof elements. The Low Point Everything. The quality is sub-amateur, the writing despicable, and Adam West's association laughably ill-conceived.
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