10 Excruciating Films That Ruined Your Image Of Batman Actors

4. Bale Loses Himself To The Beat - Newsies

Newsies There aren't a great deal of low-points in Christian Bale's career to date: before Christopher Nolan cast him as Batman, he had made some remarkably astute decisions, and even Equilibrium, which garnered some of Bale's worst reviews is a massively under-rated film. But, back in the time before shaving became a daily concern, and before he has developed the shudder-inducing muscles that made his American Psycho and Batman appearances so imposing, the actor made a play to be considered a young Lord Of The Dance in Newsies. The musical is the excruciatingly awkward, and curiously uncharismatic answer to the question nobody ever posed of how Bruce Wayne's life might have panned out if he hadn't been compelled to take on Gotham's criminal element, and had instead spent his formative years angrily dancing around and being all socialist. It's retro without the charm, saccharine without the subtlety and musical without any of the usual memorable hooks, and most importantly, it's horribly devastating for the mythology of Bale as an ice-cool customer. The Low Point The singing, or perhaps the dancing. It's definitely one of the musical elements.
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