10 Most Expensive Movies Of All-Time

5. Avatar (2009)

Budget: $280 millionGross Earnings: $2.78 billion James Cameron€™s visually arresting 3D spectacular was given life years before such incredible technology was available. Cameron put pen to paper way back in 1994, writing an 80-page first draft of the screenplay which would eventually evolve into Avatar €“ one of the most expensive films of all time. There€™s no escaping the fact that as soon as you are shown Pandora it€™s clear that the visual effects of Avatar were unlike anything we€™d ever encountered before. From the all-too-real Na'vi to the organic Hometree they inhabit, everything in the 2009 film looks superb. Of course Avatar€™s narrative is far less original than the visuals which it€™ll be remembered for (**COUGH** Pocahontas **COUGH Dances with Wolves) but this doesn€™t mean that Avatar isn€™t a worthy cinematic experience. The film which started as an idea in Cameron€™s head over 20 years before ultimately becoming the highest grossing movie of all time.
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.