10 Facts About Fighting That Action Movies Always Get Wrong

1. The Best Way To Win A Fight Is By Walking Away From It

Sound cheesy? Maybe it is. But don't tell that to Bruce Lee. His theory of "fighting without fighting" is a time-honored tradition that prefers verbal and intellectual beatdowns to the physical variety. This is shown in a scene from Enter the Dragon, where Bruce is bullied into a fight by a douchebag with a scar on his face, only to "beat" him without laying a finger on him, instead talking the man into stranding himself on a lifeboat. (It's not not a weird movie.) Pacifism, as some might call it, isn't just for Gandhi. Even though it might actually take more effort than punching a guy in the throat, the end result is a lot better for everyone. But action movies would rather you think that a loudmouth drunk at the pub calling you a pussy is reason enough to "defend your honor" by kicking your way through him and all his friends. But c'mon. There are easier ways to diffuse the situation. Yet, with the exception of Bruce (and Patrick Swayze's buddhist badass in Roadhouse), not many protagonists in Hollywood have caught on to the fact that sometimes, all it takes is your words to defeat the enemy. Because despite what The Transporter may have taught us, nobody ever really wins a real fight.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.