10 Facts About Fighting That Action Movies Always Get Wrong

3. Real Fights Are Soooo Tiring

Holy God, have you ever spent a couple minutes on a punching bag, giving it everything you've got? It's not exactly easy breezy. And keep in mind that the thing on the receiving end isn't trying to constantly dish out the same punishment to your face. There's also that whole adrenaline thing. Sure, it may boost you into action initially, helping you put more power and speed into your punches and kicks, but eventually, that adrenaline wears off. In fact, that initial shot of it will probably only last a couple of minutes, at best. And once take into account all of the trash talking, pre-fighting that likely occurred, you might be drained after thirty seconds of scuffling. (Side note: adrenaline also has a ton of negative effects on the body, causing some people to freeze up or get sick to their stomachs, neither of which is ever shown in a Hollywood fight.) But you wouldn't know that from watching a Jet Li fight scene. No, apparently Li could spend the duration of Braveheart fighting and come out the other end fresh as a daisy. Not. Long story short: Fights are sprints, not marathons.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.