10 Facts Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Star Wars

7. Luke And Leia Were Always Meant To Be Siblings


The Misconception: What's the most awkward Star Wars moment? Anakin trying to chat up Padmé by talking about sand? Jabba taking Princess Leia as a bikini-clad slave? That bit in Yoda's death scene when his ear bends, betraying that he's a puppet? Close, but no death stick. It has to be when Leia kisses Luke; a bid to annoy Han that ends up being a shocking case of twincest. If we wanted a fun sci-fi with incestuous undertones we'd take Back To The Future thank you very much.

The Truth: This isn't as big a misconception as Vader being their father, with that kiss standing proof positive it wasn't planned (this isn't Game Of Thrones), but after decades of reinforcement it's easy for the general consciousness to forget Leia being a Skywalker was made up last minute. That "other" talked about in Empire was always planned to be Luke's sister, but she wasn't going to be Leia; Jedi would end with Luke going off to find her to help him take on the Emperor in a sequel trilogy.

It was only when Return Of The Jedi became the final entry that things were tied so tightly together. Whether it was because he wanted to wrap the story up in one film rather than a trilogy or because he thought there were enough women in the galaxy, this was scrapped and we got the much more sensible Leia Skywalker Organa Solo.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.