10 Failed Movies That Should've Been TV Shows

1. Push

Hellboy  2019

Most superhero movies are based on pre-existing source material, but Paul McGuigan's Push was an entirely original concept with its own mythology and terminology, but at 111 minutes the movie had nowhere near enough time to fully establish the rules.

The superhero bubble is still nowhere near close to bursting, and there are now countless TV shows focusing on characters with abilities. The X-Men even have two small screen spin-offs. Push's Hong Kong setting and unique world-building would allow a television adaptation to stand out in a marketplace full of superhero series.

The concept is that the United States government created and agency called The Division in 1945 to track down, capture and experiment on people with psychic abilities in an attempt to weaponize their powers. These psychics are split into nine categories; Watchers predict the future, Movers use telekinesis, Pushers manipulate memories and Wipers remove them, Bleeders let out sonic-pitched screams, Sniffs are trackers, Stitches heal, Shadows block these abilities and Shifters are pretty self-explanatory.

The movie barely scratched the surface of the premise's potential, and it is definitely one worth revisiting. Not many superhero properties establish such a complex and detailed universe entirely from the ground up, and with the television format allowing more time to tell stories Push could make for a wholly unique small screen sci-fi.

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