10 Famous Actors Who Are Notoriously Difficult To Work With

4. Jennifer Lopez

Gigli Ben Affleck Jennifer Lopez
Columbia Pictures

Jennifer Lopez is an industry onto herself, a notion which has apparently allowed the actress to become of the most notoriously difficult human beings to work with in the history of movie-making. If she isn't arguing with you on set, she sure as hell with be making your life a misery off-set.

Because Jennifer Lopez will not act for you unless you meet her incredibly specific list of demands. It's in her contract, yo'! There are some who think her diva-ness is a put on - a way to generate controversy and boost her image. It's more fun if we just say she's just spoilt and egocentric, though. Yep, J-Lo has spent so much of her acting career making a fuss that it's almost as if the word "diva" was conjured up as a way to describe her.

Some people will say that Jennifer Lopez can't even act, so why does she think so highly of herself? Beats me. I think she has a small degree of acting talent, though, as witnessed in movies like Out of Sight, and, uh... some other movies. Point is, this lady has marked herself out as somebody who directors might not be too keen to work with, which probably accounts for the fact that she's rarely in anything these days.


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