10 Famous Actors Who Have Extremely Weird Tics In Every Movie

1. Adam Sandler Can't Help Doing That Half-Old-Man-Half-Baby Voice At Random Intervals

Adam Sandler has reached a point in his career where people are essentially saying enough is enough. The actor, best known for movies such as Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy and Billy Madison, presumably agreed to house his next six movies on Netflix because he realised that people were getting fed up of watching his sh*t in theatres. But have you noticed a common trait that all Adam Sandler movies share, save for the fact that they're downright insufferable? Essentially, all of Sandler's "characters" are afflicted with an irksome Sandler tic that means they will occasionally start talking in what can only be described as a "half-old-man-half-baby" voice. You know the one. At random points in pretty much any of his movies, a Sandler creation will suddenly - and randomly - switch his accent to it. He essentially talks in the voice for the whole of the rather terrible in retrospect "comedy" Billy Madison, delivers a few lines like it in Big Daddy and Happy Gilmore, and slips in and out of it for the sum of recent travesty That's My Boy, as witnessed in the clip below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVoCfw1vizk But it's not just restricted to those pictures. You can guarantee that there's at least two or three instances of the "half-old-man-half-baby" voice in each and every one of his motion picture ventures. It wasn't funny the first time, and it's not funny the 657th time, either. Which of these had you noticed before? And did we miss any other actors with odd tics? Share them down in the comments.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.