10 Famous Actors Who Have Extremely Weird Tics In Every Movie

6. Shia LaBeouf Loves To Say "No, No, No No...!"

Shia LaBeouf used to be a Hollywood actor, until he went batsh*t crazy and burned all of his bridges with the studios. Now, he just sort of mills about being weird in what appears to be an ill-judged attempt to be an artist (or something). For the most part, it's funny. Back when Shia LaBeouf had a future, though, at a time when he was appearing in huge blockbuster movies like Transformers and its sequels, and various other motion pictures that required the actor to run, he frequently showcased a tic. Can you guess what it was? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IXCK1EyP4s That's right: Shia continually unleashed the phrase "No, no, no, no..." upon the world as a way of accurately conveying situations in which one "No" simply would not suffice.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.