10 Famous Actors Who Literally Do The Same Thing In Every Movie

9. Tom Cruise Is Always Running For His Life

Harrison Ford Pointing

You may not have realised this, but big screen action titan Tom Cruise actually does all of his own stunts.

I know! Crazy, right?

But in perhaps the most consistent instance of highlighting just how passionate ol' Cruisey is about throwing himself into the firing line, the timeless human crash-test dummy will evidently not commit his name to an edge-of-your-seat endeavour if his character isn't seen sprinting away, towards, or around something or someone at one point or another.

Seriously, your writer could likely fill out three more lists with the occasions that have involved Cruise accelerating in top gear throughout a feature, with everything from the Mission: Impossible series, to Collateral, to Knight and Day, to War of the Worlds, to Oblivion, to... you get the point.

Hell, not even a snapped bloody ankle could keep Cruise from doing anything but cruising in the making of Mission: Impossible Fallout, with the mid-50's madman hobbling through the rest of a shot after crunching his foot in the midst of a daring rooftop jump in the flick.

In Cruise's case, this sprint is most definitely a marathon.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...