10 Famous Actors Who Were Secretly Behind Classic Movies

8. Kevin Spacey €“ The Social Network

Spacey When an actor€™s name you don€™t expect pops up in the opening credits it sticks in your mind. Normally it€™ll go again when they appear in the film, but with The Social Network that didn€™t happen. The big acting surprise, Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker, was heavily publicised, which left me all the more taken aback when Kevin Spacey€™s name popped up in the Executive Producer role. Spacey had done this before through his company Trigger Street Productions, but this marked the first notable time they€™d done a feature not involving the distinctive actor. Filling the executive producer role fully in the film€™s run up, Spacey was popping up all over the shop, keen to discuss and endorse it. What can be gathered from these interviews, which are admittedly mostly publicity lines, is that he was personally, as well as financially interested in the film. Trigger Street return later this year with Paul Greengrass€™ Captain Phillips. Expect shakeycam shot Somali Pirates and Spacey on the credits.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.