10 Famous Actors You Didn't Realise Were In Movies You've Seen

1. Elijah Wood Is One Of The Video Game Kids In Back To The Future Part II

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMy1zO8m8sM This one continues to blow the minds of pretty much anybody who still isn't aware of it. If you are, major apologies: the list is over now, and thanks for reading. For everybody else: crazy, right? Who could've guessed that a young Elijah Wood might've starred alongside Michael J. Fox in an actual movie? And yet, here it is, happening like it's the most normal thing in the world - and all the way back in 1989 for Robert Zemeckis' excellent Back to the Future Part II. In one scene set during a time trip to 2015, Marty McFly visits a diner and overhears a couple of little kids squealing at the thought of playing an archaic video game with their hands, 'cause this is the future, you see? One of these kids is, yes, Elijah Wood, who would go on to play the world's most famous hobbit a mere 12 years later. The other kid? Nobody knows who that one is, though you can pretend it was Sean Astin if you like. I won't say a word. Which other famous actors might people have missed in popular movies? Let us know in the comments section below.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.