Following on from my reverse article of
British Actors With Awful American Accents in which I inaccurately and drunkenly included Sean Connery's wearisome Russian abomination from The Hunt for Red October (please accept my most sincere apologises for the error), here I present to you some famous American faces becoming utterly tongue-tied in their quest to sound British. They're definitely American, and they're definitely attempting British. I double-checked. Acting of course is all about playing a character, somebody that is very different to you. It's a chance for actors to experience a repertoire of emotions and feelings. It allows them to adopt a different persona, alter their appearance, change their behaviour, and fortunately for the benefit of this article adopt a foreign accent with varying degrees of success. As we'll see, most of them should steer well clear of the latter. Americans usually get a bad rep for their British accents, and correctly so, the majority really are truly horrendous in their misplaced dexterity. It's interesting to note how they sway one way or the other. They either go with a tense and clenched upper class like the Queen holding in a fart, or they channel a poor man's Danny Dyer, which I think is a paradox and no mean feat. So here we go then, ear plugs at the ready as we gorge on 10 of the worst British accents...