10 Famous Movie Characters Ruined By Elaborate Backstories

5. Peter Pan

Joe Wright€™s 2015 Pan film had elements of a fun family adventure to it, but one plotting decision stuck out as a massive error €“ the idea force a €˜chosen one€™ narrative onto Peter, and make his entire origin story a messianic tale of prophecy and destiny. This elaborate backstory commits a cardinal sin of storytelling by presenting all the events of Peter€™s life as predetermined. He €˜wears the pan€™ and therefore must be the hero. Peter is no longer a loveable everyman who somehow learns to fly. Now, he€™s Neverland€™s pre-assigned saviour who must defeat Blackbeard and live-up to his mother€™s legendary battlefield prowess. Part of Peter€™s charm has always been his free-spirited nature and his playful personality. Pan seems to forget this, by forcing him into a bland narrative structure that does little to play to his strengths. We€™ve seen the €˜chosen one€™ arc a million times, making Pan€™s presentation of Peter seem disappointingly generic. Although the memory of the film€™s unimaginative €˜chosen one€™ plotting still lingers, you can still read J.M. Barrie€™s original €“ or watch the iconic Disney film - and try to forget that Pan exists. That€™s our advice.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.