10 Famous Movies That Screwed Up The Most Important Part

9. The Expendables - Retro Effects!

Seriously Sly?! CGI Blood Spurts?! Didn't that *really* silly computer simulation from Rocky VI tell you that you should never, ever touch anything computer generated again, Mr. Stallone? If you ask WhatCulture contributor Caliber Winfield, he'd tell you that The Expendables is a franchise so great it can cure cancer - or at the least resurrect the career of Mel Gibson. And while this may be true in some senses - the movies are wonderful fun and great nostalgia trips for fans of 80s action movies where heroes were heroes and villains were decapitated, unfortunately The Expendables failed in one area of supreme importance. Special effects. Namely its over-use of CGI for its gore. While CGI is the basis for pretty much all of our action-movie magic these days, it's within reason to expect a movie with a bunch of 1980s action stars would make an effort to be authentic to the era they were happily cribbing from. But nah. Instead a lot of the big moments in Expendables take you out of the moment the second any blood is spilled. It's too bright. Too perfect. Too red. Once you notice it, you can never unsee it to the point where it becomes comical. In fairness, It's entirely possible after paying its cast there wasn't enough money left over for squibs or condoms stuffed with ketchup. But still, if you're going to do a hyper-violent 80s action homage, at least get the hyper-violence right!

Paul is a writer, video producer, gamer, lover, and tie-fighter. E-mail him at MeekinOnMovies@gmail.com.