10 Famous Movies That Genuinely Deserve Remakes

1. Ghostbusters

ghostbusters_featured Seemingly stuck in the development stage, the third Ghostbusters movie was dangled before us a very long time ago, but like the pendulum swing we've gradually gotten tired, sleepy and finally slipped into a coma waiting for anything new. Just to recap, Dan Aykroyd, who seems to be the official spokesman for the Ghostbusters franchise, started off by telling us a sequel was in the works. He later stated that it would be made entirely in CGI. Then he said it would be a live action film, with Bill Murray involved. Then it was going to be made WITHOUT Murray and the proton packs would be handed down to a new generation of Ghostbusters (apparently including Ben Stiller). The script has been re-written at least twice, one of which was apparently shredded by grumpy old Bill Murray. This has gotten completely out of hand at this point. One of the reasons reportedly spouted by Murray when describing his lack of interest in the third film was that "Nobody wants to see fat old men chasing ghosts". In a sense, he's right. You can't picture the old cast coming back with huge belly's jumping out of the Cadillac pursuing spirits through a hotel like they did in the first film. Not only will we miss Murray should the others get together and actually make this movie, surely I'm not the only one who will miss Louis Tully, played by the now adamantly retired Rick Moranis? In any case, as much as we'd like to reunite the Ghostbusters of old, the only way I can see any new film working is with an entirely new cast, relatively young, and sufficiently nerdy to capture the spirit of the characters (pun not intended). Bringing back the original cast could serve only to destroy all the happy memories generated by the first two films, whereas an all out remake could stand alone and be judged as such. I hope you've enjoyed reading this countdown. If you agree or disagree with any of my choices, please feel free to debate them below. I'd love to hear any other ideas for films that could work if remade. Thanks for reading.
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My life is simple. I write songs, sing in a band, act from time to time and I watch A LOT of movies and television shows. My preferred genres are Sci-Fi and Comedy. I decided to write for WhatCulture because my girlfriend (yes, I'm a sci-fi nerd and I have a girlfriend!) is sick of me ranting about films every time we leave a cinema. I do hope people enjoy reading my reviews, although I'm sure there will be many different opinions about every film I review. I respect everyone's right to their opinions so please feel free to comment and debate anything I write. Thanks for reading!