1. Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon has been a fixture of fanboy and geek culture for years thanks to his work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, The Cabin in the Woods and the mega-blockbuster, Avengers Assemble. Whedon's accomplishments don't end there however. Whedon also touched-up a string of high-profile pictures he never received credit for, including: Speed, The Quick and The Dead, Twister, X-Men, and, the massive flop, Waterworld. Whedon maintains a modest attitude in regard to his efforts as a script doctor, referring to himself as "the world's highest-paid stenographer." There you have it. Ten scribes who deserve more recognition than they got for helping to craft some of the most beloved blockbusters of all time. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and any notable script doctors we might have overlooked. And, for the record, the number of Academy Award-winning screenwriters who contributed to the screenplay for The Rock: 3.