10 Famous Uncredited Roles You May Not Have Noticed

7. Matt Smith - In Bruges

Universal Studios/Focus Features

Doctor Who's largest demographic is unlikely to have seen Martin McDonagh's violent, sweary and devilishly dark comedy In Bruges, but if you find yourself in the overlap of the 'hitman/time-travel' Venn diagram then this little uncredited role will prove very interesting. Two years prior to Matt Smith's TV debut as the titular Doctor, he appeared in McDonagh's indie triumph as the young version of Ralph Fiennes' crime boss, Harry Waters - or he would have, if the scene made it into the final film.

The flashback scene takes place in seventies London as Smith saunters into a police station and lobs off the head of a constable responsible for the death of Brendan Gleeson's wife. The scene is particularly violent and one can't help but grin at the sight of the 11th Doctor wielding a samurai sword, and coolly dispensing his bloody justice. Alas, the scene was ultimately not included, McDonagh stating that:

"You start in Bruges and you end in Bruges, so to flashback too much from there to London and even to the 70s or whatever just felt kind of wrong."

It's a shame, as the scene is brilliant (aside from the comically bad dummy that gets its head chopped off) and sets up Fiennes' menace very well.


Aspiring screenwriter. Avid Gooner. Saving the rest of the self-descriptive stuff for the autobiography.