10 Fan Service Movie Moments That Went TOO FAR

1. "Get Away From Her... You B*tch?" - Alien: Romulus

Movies With Too Much Fan Service Alien Romulus
20th Century Studios

Even though Alien: Romulus doesn't deviate too far from the well-trod formula of the series' prior entries, it generally knows where to toe the line with references to the better films in the series.

There are a few exceptions, though, chiefly the garish, uncanny valley CGI rendition of the late Ian Holm, repurposed for Rook, an android science officer who is the same model as Holm's Ash from the original Alien.

But the fan service finally becomes too much in the film's intense climax, when android Andy (David Jonsson) returns to protect his surrogate sister Rain (Cailee Spaeny) from the attacking Xenomorph and quips, "Get away from her... you b*tch?"

This is of course a reprise of Ripley's (Sigourney Weaver) very same, instantly iconic one-liner from Aliens, and felt so embarrassingly ham-fisted it's impressive that it made it into the final cut of the movie. There's no plausible reason for Andy to be saying that.

Had he simply said "Get away from her," it would've been fine, but directly quoting the Aliens line made the exchange feel like a scene from an overzealous fan film rather than an official piece of Alien media. Just... no.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.