10 Fan Service Movie Moments That Went TOO FAR

6. Goldfinger... But OIL - Quantum Of Solace

Movies With Too Much Fan Service Alien Romulus

Quantum of Solace is certainly one of the messier and more divisive Bond films, but not without its merits. All the same, reminding fans of another, vastly better Bond film they could be watching instead? That just wasn't it.

Mid-way through the movie, 007 (Daniel Craig) discovers the corpse of the ludicrously monikered MI6 agent Strawberry Fields (Gemma Arterton), who has been drowned in crude oil and left on a bed.

This is very obviously a tip of the hat to Goldfinger, and especially the unforgettable sequence in which Bond girl Jill Masterson (Shirley Eaton) is killed by henchman Oddjob (Harold Sakata) after he covers her body in gold paint, causing her to die of "skin suffocation."

Director Marc Forster's intent was good enough here, to show how oil has supplanted gold as the most coveted material on Earth, but given the generally middling response to Quantum of Solace as a whole, you couldn't be blamed for checking out and wishing you were just watching Goldfinger instead.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.