10 Fascinating Predictions About The Doctor Strange Movie

10. He Will Start The Movie As A Powerful & Experienced Sorcerer

All of the solo movies seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date have been origin movies of sorts. Iron Man saw Tony Stark start off as a weapons manufacture and supplier, Captain America saw Steve Rogers start off as a weakling soldier wannabe, Thor saw the Asgardian go from cocky warrior to would-be king and The Incredible Hulk movie saw Bruce Banner exposed to the gamma radiation that caused him to transform into the big green hero. Doctor Strange, while it might touch upon his origins, will see the sorcerer start off with the powers he is famous for - as hinted in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, when Stephen Strange was named by HYDRA as already being a potential threat to the evil organisation. Seeing a man going from being an arrogant surgeon, to losing the use of his hands, to discovering the Ancient One in the Himalayas, learning magic and defeating a villain all in one movie would be too much, so it makes sense to miss that out (though it will still be touched upon in flashbacks).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.