10 Fascinating Star Wars Facts That Sound Fake (But Will Blow Your Mind!)
9. Greedo Was Originally Called Allen
Before the Rodian bounty hunter apparently fired his blaster at Han Solo first during the events of A New Hope, this alien being actually didn't go by the memorable name of Greedo at all.
Nope, based on an original script of the first Star Wars, shared by the late Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew (via THR), the dude trying to capture Solo for Jabba the Hutt actually boasted the name that once tumbled out of a velociraptor's mouth during an infamous Jurassic Park III dream sequence.
That's right, the same Greedo who would be digitally altered to provoke Solo into killing him inside of Mos Eisley's cantina was once called Allen.
And before you wonder whether this was little more than an innocent typo of the word "alien", that name pops up multiple times in the original script.
Oh, and that same script also confirmed how Han very much gunned down the alien in front of him before the Rodian ever fired a shot.
So, there you have it, Han shot Allen first, folks. No wonder he's so traumatised in the Barbie movie!