10 Film Endings With Disturbing Implications You Totally Missed

5. The Dark Knight Rises: Anyone CAN'T Be Batman

Django Unchained Jamie Foxx
Warner Bros

Christopher Nolan should be hailed as a messiah by Bat fans for banishing memories of the reviled Joel Schumacher era and reinventing the hero for the modern age, but he's way off on one key point about the Caped Crusader.

The filmmaker rounded off his acclaimed superhero trilogy on an upbeat note, with Bruce Wayne living happily ever after in Italy with Selina Kyle and Gotham City in the safe hands of John Blake, because anybody can be Batman in the Nolanverse.

Except, and this cannot be stressed enough, anyone cannot be Batman. Nolan's concept about the hero being a symbol is nice and all, but it's also contradictory.

Bruce Wayne had to travel the world and study under the tutolidge of a master assassin to acquire the necessary combat skills, and he wouldn't have gotten far without the infinite resources of Wayne Enterprises behind him.

Then there's the fact he's the greatest detective in the DC Universe. It's basically his superpower, and not something any John, Dick or Harry can acquire.

So the tragic subtext of The Dark Knight Rises is that Gotham is doomed. John Blake won't stand a chance without the above attributes on his side once The Penguin, Riddler or Mr. Freeze shows up. Hell, he'd probably struggle against the Mad Hatter.


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