10 Film Remakes That Actually Worked

3. The Departed

People will probably argue between which is better out of Martin Scorsese's The Departed or Andrew Lau's and Alan Mak's 2002 Hong Kong original Infernal Affairs until the end of days. More will probably veer towards Infernal Affairs for original's sake, claiming that people who only watch The Departed are too lazy to read subtitles. They may be right, but nobody can deny that both films are true spectacles of cinema. Following Leonardo DiCaprio's police officer going undercover to uncover Jack Nicholson's organised crime ring, The Departed translates brilliantly to US culture. And even though when the words 'organised crime' are used you tend to think of 1930s gangsters, it works perfectly in the modern day and even gives you an interesting insight into how the business has (or hasn't) changed. Both films feature glorious performances from equally glorious casts, twists and turns in an inescapably layered and magnificent plot combine with fantastic action and thrills that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout its running time. It's a waste of time arguing which is better, they're both perfect and both received universal recognition from critics and audiences alike. Why not simply enjoy both?


Aspiring screenwriter. Film & TV Production BA (Hons) graduate. Currently studying MA Screenwriting at LJMU. Addicted to Breaking Bad and Chinese food.