10 Film Remakes That Are Better Than The Original

8. Casino Royale (1967 & 2006)

Airplane Leslie Nielsen

The Original

The first of Ian Fleming’s novels to feature the eponymous spy did not make it to the screen as part of the original film canon. Leaving Bond fans to make do with a 1967 version that was morphed into a parody of the Connery-starring official films. Very much a comedy of its time, with a swinging sixties vibe that would have made Austin Powers ask everyone to ‘behave’.

With David Niven, Woody Allen and Peter Sellers among the cast, it’s not a terrible film, but it’s NOT a Bond film and NOT the version of the Classic novel the fans craved to see.

The Remake

That would have to wait until 2006. With Jason Bourne the new spy in town, with his motion-sickness fighting style and not a post-kill quip to be heard, it seemed that Bond had had his day. If he was going to survive the new century, then 007 was going to have to go back to the beginning.

Enter the story that started it all.

With its pared down plot and gratuitous gonad torture, iIt was the right kind of Bond film for exactly the right time. Focusing on the burgeoning character of our hero, allowing room for fault and vulnerability while always retaining a ruthless cool exterior. Daniel Craig, in spite of being notoriously ‘too blond’ re-defined the role in a film that is every bit equal, and in many cases superior, to any of the previous outings in the long running series.

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Freelance writer, full-time father, part-time hat wearer. Specialising in film and TV and prone to referencing Douglas Adams a little too often.