10 Filmmakers Obsessed With ONE Thing

2. Christopher Nolan - Time

Quentin Tarantino From Dusk Till Dawn
Warner Bros. Pictures

No filmmaker in history has proven himself quite so fascinated with the notion of time as Christopher Nolan, using it as both a narrative and technical device in many of his films.

Even his 1998 debut Following contains four different timelines, while Memento famously intertwines two timelines one of which flows backwards, both Inception and Interstellar feature time dilation as a central mechanic, Dunkirk features three concurrent timelines set to Hans Zimmer's evocative ticking clock score, and his recent Tenet is similarly concerned with "time inversion."

Time is arguably one of the universe's most defining forces, and so it's ever-ripe material for compelling cinema, which Nolan has evidently tapped into.

If he can continue to engage with it in creative and artistic ways without repeating himself, then what's to lose?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.