10 Filmmakers Who Defended Their Terrible Movies

9. Milla Jovovich Had A "Rad" Time On Hellboy

Anne Hathaway Serenity

The 2019 Hellboy reboot had so much working in its favour.

Fan-favourite David Harbour was cast in the title role. Neil Marshall - who directed The Descent, one of the great modern horror movies - was at the helm. Hellboy creator Mike Mignola was heavily involved in the production. Add to that a terrific supporting cast and the freedom of an R-rating, and the recipe here looked pretty darn tasty.

Unfortunately, the final product wasn't very tasty at all. In fact, it made critics and audiences vomit, with a brutal 18% score on Rotten Tomatoes, and a pitiful $55 million worldwide gross.

Responding to this dark cloud hovering over her movie, actress Milla Jovovich - who played the main antagonist, the Blood Queen - went on the defensive, calling Hellboy "rad", and saying that it would end up becoming a cult classic.

She even spun a negative critical remark ("it's a loud, gory mess only a teenager would love") into a positive, while also praising the efforts of the cast and crew.

Hate to break it to you Milla, but almost three years later, people still hate this movie - and it doesn't look set to achieve cult status anytime soon.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.