Top 10 Films About The Holocaust


Offering an exceptionally unique take upon the Holocaust - the story is told through the innocent eyes of a young German child - The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a very moving and enthralling film. The secret friendship between Bruno and the young Jewish boy imprisoned in the concentration camp perfectly demonstrates how children see the world through untainted and unprejudiced eyes. The film is fraught with emotion, as well as suspense and moralistic drama. Whilst the narrative is utterly devastating, there are also a number of reminders of the deep seeded humanity that can be found within even the most steeliest willed of men and these displays help give an authentic display of what life during WWII must have been like for both the Jews and the German soldiers. Bruno€™s eventual loss of childhood innocence as the film progresses is almost (but not quite) as heartbreaking as the treatment of the Jews in the concentration camp. Essentially, the Nazis are characterised as a corrupting influence, who€™s radical views are nothing but repugnant.

Stuart Cummins hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.