Top 10 Films About The Holocaust

02. NIGHT & FOG (1951)

Jean Renoir€™s horrific and harrowing documentary is by far the most disturbing film related to the terror of Hitler€™s concentration camps. Filmed after the German€™s surrendered to the Allies, it€™s a graphic depiction of the troops and their attempts to reshape Germany and other occupied countries. Definitely not for the easily unsettled, with shocking images of mass graves and severely emaciated bodies, Night & Fog does not gloss over the evil actions of the Nazis. However, there are also images of hope, as hordes of starving and malnourished Jews are found alive in concentration camps and finally freed. Whilst the film does everything it can to honestly capture the extent of the concentration camp horrors, it also brilliantly captures the resilience and strong will of an entire people. Viewers cannot help but be moved by the graphic images, but will also come away feeling changed for the better, now knowing the realities of one of history€™s darkest stains.

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