10 Films Coming In 2016 That Really Shouldn't Exist

10. Bridget Jones€™s Baby

Rejoice, fans of slapstick and silly romantic €œcomedy€! Insufficiently satisfied with pushing those unfortunate enough to have viewed The Edge of Reason in 2004 truly over the edge, Sharon Maguire has unfathomably returned to direct Renee Zellweger and Colin Firth into the all-consuming mirth of sequel malaise. Having believed they were free of the purgatory that was the Jones-Cleaver-Darcy love triangle, fan(s) may be entirely surprised (read: unsurprised) to find a new potential love interest on the scene, in the form of heartthrob and perpetual cap-wearer Patrick Dempsey. Disengaged with his foray into fast and furious four-wheeled fun, Dempsey has decided what his life needs more than anything is an exceptional adventure into the British soft-porn-for-yummy-mummies scene. Unable to find such an opportunity, he settled instead for a role in 90 minutes of the languidly predictable consummation of the death of the BJ rom-com concept.

Happy-snapping worldly wordsmith. In between snapping street shots, tapping out stellar prose and having more hair-brained ideas than a barber with a bachelor's in business, you'll find him fumbling with the latest fitness fads and dreaming of a debut in F1 (he's a late bloomer, OK?).