10 Films Directors Regret Making
Directors wish they never made these movies.

It's so easy for moviegoers to take for granted just how damn difficult it is to get even the worst movie made.
No matter how bad a film might be, there's someone, somewhere who worked extremely hard on it, whether the filmmaker, cast, or below-the-line crew.
And for many directors, a gig is a gig - a film might not have the greatest script, but if it pays decently and keeps them in the life to which they're accustomed, that's not so bad, right?
Yet that hasn't stopped filmmakers periodically piping up, getting uncommonly honest, and even straight-up announcing that they regret one of their past ventures.
This is, of course, much easier to admit with a film that was critically and/or commercially unsuccessful, and so it's little surprise that most of the movies on this list underwhelmed in one way or another.
But they're certainly not all disasters - far from it, in some cases - yet to the same token, if a filmmaker spends years of their life working on a movie only for it to be rejected by critics or audiences, that's gotta sting.
And so, here are 10 movies which, for better or worse, those behind the camera regret making...
10. The Game - David Fincher

Though few are going to hold up The Game as one of David Fincher's better movies - largely due to the sheer number of stone cold masterpieces he counts among his back catalogue - by any metric it's a taut, solidly crafted thriller.
Yet Fincher, ever the famous perfectionist, has serious misgivings about the film's third act, enough that he even wishes he followed the advice of his wife/producer Ceán Chaffin and didn't direct the movie at all.
In a 2014 interview with IndieWire, Fincher said:
"In hindsight, my wife was right. We didn't figure out the third act, and it was my fault, because I thought if you could just keep your foot on the throttle it would be liberating and funny."
Though The Game's ending - where it's revealed that Nicholas' (Michael Douglas) entire harrowing ordeal was indeed a staged game - is certainly the film's most polarising aspect, there are still many fans who are very, very happy that a director as skilled as Fincher was the one to make it.