10 Films Directors Regret Making

6. Transformers: The Last Knight - Michael Bay

Shutter Island Teddy Daniels

Michael Bay doesn't really come off as a director who regrets anything he makes, and yet, he's been incredibly candid about overstaying his welcome in the Transformers franchise and continually accepting paychecks even when his creative juice for the franchise was basically used up.

In an interview with Unilad while promoting his most recent film Ambulance, Bay said:

"I made too many of them. Steven Spielberg said, 'Just stop at three.' And I said I'd stop. The studio begged me to do a fourth, and then that made a billion too. And then I said I'm gonna stop here. And they begged me again. I should have stopped. They were fun to do."

Given that Bay revealed his net worth was sitting at around $500 million in 2016, the man clearly doesn't need Transformers-sized paydays to keep himself going, and if Ambulance proved nothing else, it's that he can deliver superior results on a smaller canvas and tighter budget.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.