10 Films That Don’t Deserve Their 0% Rotten Tomatoes Rating

6. Deadly Friend (1986)

Wes Craven is an oddity of a film director. On one hand he's made horror classics such as The Last House on the Left, to A Nightmare on Elm Street and the entire Scream series. On the other hand he has made some truly terrible films. These include; The Hills Have Eyes II, Chiller, My Soul To Take, Stranger In Our House, and Invitation to Hell. 1986's Deadly Friend falls somewhere in the middle. The film follows a young girl (played by Kristy Swanson) who is brutally beaten and left brain dead. She is brought back to life via a futuristic microchip and goes on a killing spree. It€™s all pretty lame actually. However, the film does feature one of the most unintentionally funny moments of Craven's career. The robotic menace, who now has super strength, gets revenge on her cranky old neighbor, throwing a basketball at her face which causes her entire head to explode. The scene is as awesomely ridiculous as you could imagine. So, aside from the fact that Craven has made films that are far worse, watching an old lady's head explode via basketball should warrant at least a 1% rating.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com