10 Films Ruined By Being An Hour Too Long

5. King Kong (2005)

King Kong is Peter Jackson once again in his wholly excessive, singular mode, and it won't be the last time he appears on this list. His remake of King Kong is clearly a passion project of the director's, but that doesn't qualify why it has to run in at 187 minutes, almost double the length of the original 1933 film. In Jackson's take, it's around an hour before the crew reach Skull Island and actually meet King Kong for the first time, by which point audiences may well have already given up on the film and started rooting against it. Build up is no bad thing, but Jackson front-loads his film with so much of it that we're already tired by the time the good stuff starts. The rest of the film is pretty great, but the opening hour could easily lose 30-40 minutes in of itself, and a few chops later on to keep the beats clipping along would easily bring it down to a tolerable 2 hours.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.