10 Films That Are Better The Less You Know Going In

9. Zombieland

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Columbia Pictures

There was a time at the beginning of the century where you couldn’t go five minutes without hearing about another zombie movie, TV show comic book or game throwing its hat into the ring, and trying desperately to make itself heard above the other guttural moans.

One of the success stories of this era was 2009’s Zombieland. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson and a then unknown Emma Stone, the film is a witty and light hearted trek across a zombie infected America by four survivors forming an unexpected family unit after being thrown together by circumstance. Although the film did not shy away from the standard gore demanded by zombie audiences, it was in its humour that it really succeeded, including one of the funniest cameos in recent memory.

Hiding away in his Hollywood mansion disguised in zombie make-up so he can get around, Bill Murray’s sudden appearance was credited by renowned critic Roger Ebert a the biggest laugh of the year. His easy going but razor sharp deadpan meshes perfectly within the film and its characters, even getting a pot-shot in at Garfield when he’s accidentally shot and dies.

Murray is a comedic institution, with an unparalleled ability to make you laugh just by standing there, so his surprise appearance in the film is one which delighted horror hounds the world over. Nobody saw it coming, and it really gave this zombie flick an extra shuffling lurch in front of the pack.


Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.