10 Films That Cost WAY More Than They Needed To

6. Battleship - $209 Million

Tangled Rapunzel
Universal Pictures

Regardless of how Superman Returns or King Kong turned out, it's understandable why they cost so much. Because both films centre around some of the most iconic characters in all story-telling, there was obviously millions of fans clamouring to see a movie adaptation.

But who in their right mind was desperate to see a film based on the board game, Battleship?

Don't get me wrong. Battleship is an excellent strategy game. But that doesn't mean it should be adapted into a movie.

Apparently, some people at Universal thought the same way. The production over Battleship was so chaotic, the producers strongly considered cancelling the whole thing, which would've resulted in a $30 million loss.

However, newly elected chairman Adam Fogelson decided to do the exact opposite and increase the $150 million budget to $209 million. (It's worth pointing out that, despite all this extra money, the movie's plot boils down to "military versus aliens".)

Battleship went on to earn $303 million, making it a box office disaster, to the surprise of nobody. Ironically, the studio would've lost three times less money if they cancelled the project when they had the chance.

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